
When running the proof of concept, there are three features that need to be run simultaneously: the blockchain node, the real-world service provider, and the consumer.

Hardhat node

Clone the sep-contracts repository:

git clone https://github.com/rndlabs/sep-contracts

Install the dependencies:

cd sep-contracts

Compile typechain artifacts:

yarn hardhat compile

Generate a mnemonic that you can use for test accounts. To do so, you can use this BIP39 generator. At the Mnemonic Code Converter:

  • Select ‘24’ words from the drop-down box.
  • Press ‘GENERATE’
  • Copy the results of the BIP39 Mnemonic field to clipboard for the next step.

Configure the environment variables (.env), within the cloned repository’s root directory to be similar to:

# network specific node uri : `"ETH_NODE_URI_" + networkName.toUpperCase()`
# generic node uri (if no specific found) :

# network specific mnemonic : `"MNEMONIC_ " + networkName.toUpperCase()`
# MNEMONIC_MAINNET=<mnemonic for mainnet>
# generic mnemonic (if no specific found):
MNEMONIC=<paste your mnemonic here with greater than/less than symbols>

# forking

# coinmarketcap api key for gas report

# Etherscan API key for automatic verification of contracts

Now start the hardhat local blockchain for testing:

yarn hardhat node

When starting the hardhat local node, search through the console output for the address at which the ServiceProvider contract was deployed. Example:

deploying "ServiceProvider" (tx: 0x717c1eb6649abe7b92a0a2bead9b9f3b505da385980486283e5912ac90d699a9)...: deployed at 0x29b67856f9ca63dF5E688454B17F70Afd5071aa0 with 1758370 gas

In the above example, the ServiceProvider contract was deployed to 0x29b67856f9ca63dF5E688454B17F70Afd5071aa0. Copy the address where it deployed on your local hardhat node as this will be used in subsequent configuration. For now though, your local blockchain node is running and ready to accept connections!


Open another terminal window and clone the sep repository.

Be sure not to clone sep into the sep-contracts directory.

git clone https://github.com/rndlabs/sep

Install the dependencies:

yarn                  # installs lerna for monorepo
yarn lerna bootstrap  # bootstrap packages

Change to the demo directory:

cd packages/demo

Generate the protobuf TypeScript:

yarn protoc --ts_out ./src/proto --proto_path ./src/proto ./src/proto/*

Copy over the typechain artifacts from the sep-contracts repo:

cp -pR path/to/sep-contracts/typechain .

Configure the environment varibles (.env) in the demo directory to be similar to:

MNEMONIC=<paste your mnemonic from before here with greater than/less than symbols>
REGISTRY_ADDRESS=<fill in with deployment address from sep-contracts>
SELLER_NAME=Testing Seller

Now, you can start the server, and this will simulate being a service provider:

yarn ts-node ./src/server.ts

At this point, you should see the following activity:

  1. The server registers a test seller.
  2. The server registers 5 spaces for the sellerHash from (1).
  3. The server connects to Waku to monitor applicable content-topics.

This activity will be visible on the node as well as on the server.


Open another terminal window and change into the demo package’s directory:

cd path/to/demo

All the configuration for the client has already been done from the previous steps, so we can now run the client to make a query for a ride:

yarn ts-node ./src/client.ts

At this point, you should see the following activity:

  1. The client connects to Waku and asks (ping) for all sellerHash in a certain shard.
  2. The server responds (pong)with it’s sellerHash and some additional details.
  3. The client verifies the pong from the server against the ServiceProvider contract.
  4. The client, knowing there is a legitimate seller, asks for a stay with specific parameters (check-in, check-out, number of adults, number of children, number of spaces).
  5. The server receives the query from (4) and dispatches this to an auctioneer that takes the ask parameters as input. It’s then determined if the seller wants to make a bid for this business.
  6. The server crafts a signed bid to client.
  7. The client verifies the server’s bid, and chooses one of the offers.
  8. The client uses the bid’s signature to make the deal on-chain.
  9. The server, through event monitoring, can see that the client has made the deal. 🥳

Sometimes there are connectivity issues to Waku from the client. Use Ctrl + C to terminate the client and start it again.