
Hello and welcome to the Service Exchange Protocol (SEP) - bringing transparency to service marketplaces.

SEP aims to enable developers to build blockchain secured, consumer anonymous, peer-to-peer service marketplaces for the following structures:

  1. Service delivery at a fixed address (e.g. a hotel or barber)
  2. Service delivery between two or more known, fixed addresses (e.g. trains or flights)
  3. Service delivery between two or more random addresses (e.g. ride-hailing or food delivery)

Note that these docs were written for a previous test of SEP for a hotel implementation. That has been halted and we are currently working on some lower-level architecture problems first such as; how to handle buyer and seller reputation, how to run each of the components reliably on a simple smarphone etc. As we solve these we will start implementations again, starting with movi, a ride-hailing app.

Getting started


When running the proof of concept, there are three features that need to be run simultaneously: the blockchain node, the real-world service provider, and the consumer.

Hardhat node

Clone the sep-contracts repository:

git clone

Install the dependencies:

cd sep-contracts

Compile typechain artifacts:

yarn hardhat compile

Generate a mnemonic that you can use for test accounts. To do so, you can use this BIP39 generator. At the Mnemonic Code Converter:

  • Select ‘24’ words from the drop-down box.
  • Press ‘GENERATE’
  • Copy the results of the BIP39 Mnemonic field to clipboard for the next step.

Configure the environment variables (.env), within the cloned repository’s root directory to be similar to:

# network specific node uri : `"ETH_NODE_URI_" + networkName.toUpperCase()`
# generic node uri (if no specific found) :

# network specific mnemonic : `"MNEMONIC_ " + networkName.toUpperCase()`
# MNEMONIC_MAINNET=<mnemonic for mainnet>
# generic mnemonic (if no specific found):
MNEMONIC=<paste your mnemonic here with greater than/less than symbols>

# forking

# coinmarketcap api key for gas report

# Etherscan API key for automatic verification of contracts

Now start the hardhat local blockchain for testing:

yarn hardhat node

When starting the hardhat local node, search through the console output for the address at which the ServiceProvider contract was deployed. Example:

deploying "ServiceProvider" (tx: 0x717c1eb6649abe7b92a0a2bead9b9f3b505da385980486283e5912ac90d699a9)...: deployed at 0x29b67856f9ca63dF5E688454B17F70Afd5071aa0 with 1758370 gas

In the above example, the ServiceProvider contract was deployed to 0x29b67856f9ca63dF5E688454B17F70Afd5071aa0. Copy the address where it deployed on your local hardhat node as this will be used in subsequent configuration. For now though, your local blockchain node is running and ready to accept connections!


Open another terminal window and clone the sep repository.

Be sure not to clone sep into the sep-contracts directory.

git clone

Install the dependencies:

yarn                  # installs lerna for monorepo
yarn lerna bootstrap  # bootstrap packages

Change to the demo directory:

cd packages/demo

Generate the protobuf TypeScript:

yarn protoc --ts_out ./src/proto --proto_path ./src/proto ./src/proto/*

Copy over the typechain artifacts from the sep-contracts repo:

cp -pR path/to/sep-contracts/typechain .

Configure the environment varibles (.env) in the demo directory to be similar to:

MNEMONIC=<paste your mnemonic from before here with greater than/less than symbols>
REGISTRY_ADDRESS=<fill in with deployment address from sep-contracts>
SELLER_NAME=Testing Seller

Now, you can start the server, and this will simulate being a service provider:

yarn ts-node ./src/server.ts

At this point, you should see the following activity:

  1. The server registers a test seller.
  2. The server registers 5 spaces for the sellerHash from (1).
  3. The server connects to Waku to monitor applicable content-topics.

This activity will be visible on the node as well as on the server.


Open another terminal window and change into the demo package’s directory:

cd path/to/demo

All the configuration for the client has already been done from the previous steps, so we can now run the client to make a query for a ride:

yarn ts-node ./src/client.ts

At this point, you should see the following activity:

  1. The client connects to Waku and asks (ping) for all sellerHash in a certain shard.
  2. The server responds (pong)with it’s sellerHash and some additional details.
  3. The client verifies the pong from the server against the ServiceProvider contract.
  4. The client, knowing there is a legitimate seller, asks for a stay with specific parameters (check-in, check-out, number of adults, number of children, number of spaces).
  5. The server receives the query from (4) and dispatches this to an auctioneer that takes the ask parameters as input. It’s then determined if the seller wants to make a bid for this business.
  6. The server crafts a signed bid to client.
  7. The client verifies the server’s bid, and chooses one of the offers.
  8. The client uses the bid’s signature to make the deal on-chain.
  9. The server, through event monitoring, can see that the client has made the deal. 🥳

Sometimes there are connectivity issues to Waku from the client. Use Ctrl + C to terminate the client and start it again.


This specification describes how real-world service providers and consumers interact using the Service Exchange Protocol to effect an exchange of a service.

This allows any service provider to create an industry-specific marketplace on which to advertise their inventory in a permissionless, decentralised manner.

Design requirements

  • Anonymity: Consumers who are searching for inventory should not have any identifying information conveyed to the service provider.
  • Transparency: All actors bearing witness to the exchange must be able to see clearly the terms by which services are exchanged.
  • Data ownership: Service providers must be able to completely control their inventory. This control may be delegated.
  • Decentralised: The protocol must be permissionless, relying on no centralised infrastructure.


  • Anonymity as protection against an adversarial business targetting users with aggressive pricing strategies.
  • Transparency allowing all in the marketplace to see the prices being offered and settled (akin to an L2 orderbook).
  • Data ownership to prevent vendor lock-in and subsequent rent extraction techniques.


Line refers to an industry that has an implementation.

Service provider refers to an entity providing an intangible act for which another party is willing to pay for.

Consumer refers to the party purchasing the intangible act.

Stub represents a service owed by the service provider to the consumer subject to terms.

Messaging system refers to the chosen protocol on which the service provider and consumer have agreed to communicate.

Personally identifiable information (PII) refers to any piece of data that can be used to uniquely identify a user. For example, the signature verification key, and the hash of one’s static IP address are unique for each user and hence count as PII.

User stories

  1. Search for providers by location.
  2. Search for services by location matching specified parameters.


Sequence Diagram

SEP Sequence Diagram


Messages exchanged and data stored are verified using an on-chain registry of valid service providers. This registry provides:

  1. Role-based authentication to verify signers for the service-provider.
  2. Document timestamping for data storage.


Data types a hash of a salt, and _msgSender(). is deterministic and thus requires hash collision protection. a hash of and name of the item. a hash of and name of the term.

The end-user facing explanation of what an item or term corresponds to is handled by the ServiceProviderData protobuf. The URI to find this protobuf is located in the ServiceProviderRegistry under the service provider. Definition of the descriptors is outside of scope for Videre, and is the job of the industry implementation.


Each of the SEP components rely on other protocols and systems, yet it is designed to be protocol and system agnostic. That is by design, yet in practice there aren’t many protocols and systems to pick that fulfil the design requirements, as most of them have only come into existance in the past few years.

The current three components and the systems used for each are:

It is important to understand that the only on-chain component is the Execution, the rest is off-chain.


The protocol is designed to be messaging system agnostic. For the quick-start and proof-of-concept implementations, the messaging system used is waku. waku fulfills the design requirement for anonymous, decentralised messaging. In order to meet the design transparency design requirements, no attempts are made to obfuscate / encrypt data. Authenticity is asserted using payload signatures verified against a blockchain registry.

Content Topics

All clients communicating on the SEP do so on known waku contentTopics. The specification for a contentTopic in SEP covers:

  • which real-world industry the service is conducted in (eg. movi) for accommodation.
  • A protocol version number to allow for graceful handling of protocol upgrades.
  • what the specific component for the API is (eg. ping).
  • where this interaction is taking place, defined by the industry implementation. For example, movi elects to implement this as an h3Index, whereas aviation may elect for this to be a bytes string such as JKF-LHR.
  • how the protocol is encoded, ie. proto for protobuf.

A complete example:


which   = movi
version = 1
what    = ping
where   = 8928308280fffff
how     = proto



Content topics ‘what’: ping, pong

message Ping {
  // timestamp when this ping was sent.
  google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 1;

message Pong {
  // primitive
  bytes serviceProvider = 1;
  // the location where the services are provided - specified by the industry implementation
  bytes loc = 2;
  // timestamp when the pong was sent.
  google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 3;
  // signature of a bidder signer for the service provider, verifiable on-chain
  bytes signature = 4;


Bid / Ask (Generic)

Content topics ‘what’: bid, ask

message AskWrapper {
  // random salt used to target bid
  bytes salt = 1;
  // the payload (ask) from the consumer to the service providers
  bytes payload = 2;

message BidWrapper {
  // primitive
  bytes serviceProvider = 1;
  // keccak(AskWrapper.salt & AskWrapper.payload) for response filtering
  bytes askDigest = 2;
  // the payload (bid) from the service provider to the consumer
  bytes payload = 3;
  // bidder signs hash of fields (1,2,3)
  bytes signature = 4;

message BidTerm {
  // primitive - terms by which the service is subject to
  bytes term = 1;
  // the contract address implementing ITerm
  bytes impl = 2;
  // abi encoded payload that may be passed to a contract implementing ITerm
  optional bytes txPayload = 3;

// an optional item is an item that comes with an additional cost
message BidOptionItem {
  bytes item = 1;
  repeated videre.type.ERC20Native cost = 2;
  // bidder signs hash of fields (1, 2, askDigest)
  bytes signature = 3;

// an optional term is a term that comes with an additional cost
message BidOptionTerm {
  BidTerm term = 1;
  repeated videre.type.ERC20Native cost = 2;
  // bidder signs hash of fields (1, 2, askDigest)
  bytes signature = 3;

message BidOptions {
  // optional items and/or terms that may be purchased
  repeated BidOptionItem items = 1;
  repeated BidOptionTerm terms = 2;

message BidLine {
  // the item(s) offered in a bundled state, ie. space + breakfast
  repeated bytes items = 1;
  // the term(s) offered in a bundled state, ie. fully flexible + no cancellation
  repeated BidTerm terms = 2;
  // the option(s) offered, ie. add breakfast, add fully-flexible
  BidOptions options = 3;
  // the maximum number of times this bid authorisation can be used
  uint32 limit = 4;
  // the latest timestamp at which this bid is valid
  uint32 expiry = 5;
  // the cost in specified tokens or native unit of account
  // TODO: expand to detailed cost structure
  repeated videre.type.ERC20Native cost = 6; // include the capabilities for negative costs
  // bidder signs hash (AskWrapper.salt, limit, expiry, serviceProvider (which), askDigest (params), items, terms, options, cost)
  bytes signature = 7;

message Bids {
  // bids that match the ask
  repeated BidLine bids = 1;

AskWrapper.payload is defined as bytes to allow a generic, industry-agnostic bid / ask protocol to be defined. Specific ask parameters are defined in industry-specific protocol implementations of Videre.

BidWrapper.payload is defined as bytes for possible future expansion to industry-specific bid replies.

movi (Ride-hailing implementation)

The quick-start / reference implementation for SEP is targetted at ride-hailing. Here we define the ask parameters used by consumers.


  • Content-topic where and loc reply: For movi, this is implemented as an h3Index.


message moviAsk {
  // the date of check-in for the stay
  google.type.Date checkIn = 1;
  // the date of check-out for the stay
  google.type.Date checkOut = 2;
  // the number of adults staying
  uint32 numPaxAdult = 3;
  // the number of children staying
  optional uint32 numPaxChild = 4;
  // the number of spaces (rooms)
  uint32 numSpacesReq = 5;


The protocol is designed to be storage system agnostic. For the quick-start and proof-of-concept implementations, the data storge system used is swarm. Swarm meets the design requirements of decentralised and data ownership.

Generic Payloads

Service Provider Info / Items / Terms

The initial design is for service provider data to be stored monolithically, excluding images. The payloads are generic in nature, with payloads designed to be extended by industry-specific implementations.

Each payload is placed in a SignedPayloadWrapper, with an authorised API signer having signed a hash of the payload which is subsequently placed in SignedPayloadWrapper.signature. This provides

message ServiceItemData {
  // primitive
  bytes item = 1;
  // industry-specific payload describing item
  bytes payload = 2;

message ServiceTermData {
  // primitive
  bytes term = 1;
  // industry-specific payload describing term
  bytes payload = 2;
  // smart contract address that implements ITerm interface
  string implementation = 3;

message ServiceProviderData {
  // primitive
  bytes serviceProvider = 1;
  // services (items) provided by this service provider
  repeated ServiceItemData items = 2;
  // terms that may be applicable to services provided
  repeated ServiceTermData terms = 3;
  // industry-specific payload describing service provider
  bytes payload = 4;
  // signed hash by ServiceProvider `api` signer
  bytes signature = 5;

movi Payloads

Driver Profile

// ServiceProviderData.payload
message Driver {
  // name of driver
  // vehicle description
  // phone number
  // profile picture
  // connectivity in vehicle

Rider Profile

// BuyerData.payload
message Rider {
  // name of rider
  // phone number
  // profile picture



There is a need for a source of truth as to what can be trusted in SEP. The registries broadly cover the areas of:

For initial development phase of SEP, addresses will require whitelisting so that they may register a service provider with smart-contract enforced sunset clause for the whitelisting of 180 days (ie. after which anyone may register).

Reputation based scoring / assessment is OUTSIDE OF SCOPE for the initial development phase of SEP. During this phase, the SEP will NOT support terms that allow for the transfer of funds to service providers without intervention / consent of the consumer. Reputation base scoring / dispute settlement is targetted to be implemented after the cessation of the whitelist timeframe.

Lines (Industries)

This registry provides a canonical source for line-specific state transition contracts that allow for the issuance of stubs, and subsequent state changes.

The registry shall contain a bytes32 to address mapping for the industry-specific code (eg. “movi”) to the implementing contract. The registry shall also contain a mapping of industry to service provider to uint256. This is to be interpreted as a can, essentially indcating that the service provider providers a service in the specific industry, and the industry-specific terms they agree to are governed by the implementation.

Protocol fees for the specific industry are stored within this contract.

It is a requirement that the service provider has agreed to the industry-specific terms / life-cycle. If they cease to agree, and exit the industry, no NEW stub issuance may take place, but old stubs and their terms remain effective.

The above method opens up the possibility to have sub-industry, or locale specific industry implementations, such as movi-JP for accommodation providers in Japan.

Service Providers

The service provider registry allows consumers to:

  1. Find where to get industry-specific information about the service provider.
  2. Determine who is authorised to act in what role on behalf of the service provider.
  3. Determine when an authorised party was authorised, and if their authorisation is revoked, when it was revoked.

Document Timestamps

Service providers store their information offline, saving on costly gas and allowing the system to remain storage system agnostic. In doing so, there is a need to determine the time at which a specific document was published.

The document timestamp registry allows actors on the protocol to:

  1. Determine the time at which a document was created.

Proof of ownership of the document is outside the scope of the timestamp registry.


Accounting of funds is handled by a centralised accounting contract, similar to the vat system as used in MakerDAO. The actual funds are held by joiner contracts. This allows for the system to limit the types of collateral / tokens that may be used to pay for stubs. There are three types of accounts that may own collateral managed within the vat:

  1. Service Providers (bytes32)
  2. Stubs (bytes32)
  3. Ethereum addresses (address)

Funds are specified in mappings such that:

  1. For bytes32 accounts: mapping (bytes32 => mapping (address => uint256))
  2. For address accounts: mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256))

The zero address token MAY be implemented and represent the deployment chain’s native unit of account.

As stubs may be resold on secondary markets, any collateral attached to them should move simultaneously, therefore the stub represents an account itself.

Ownership of stubs is handled through a stub to address mapping:

  • mapping (bytes32 => address)

Similar to MakerDAO’s vat, root administrative contracts can be attached to the vat to allow custom movement of funds / stub ownership. This allows for future use cases such as a ProxyContract that implements zk ownership of a stub.

Industrial lines (such as stays) will have an account within the vat. This account will be an ethereum address corresponding to the contract’s deployment address. This allows for the system to accrue protocol fees, and to account for these fees on a per industry basis, allowing the case of different protocol fees depending on an industry.


When a service provider and consumer come to an agreement, they make a deal. The result of this deal is a stub (voucher) that represents a future service to be delivered by the service provider to the consumer. This future service (items) is subject to terms and carries a specified cost. It is the role of the line (industry) contract to implement rules defining the lifecycle of their issued stubs.


An item array, in the primitive sense.


A term is a business logic primitive for Videre, and may be called by either party, depending on the term. For example there may be a NO_REFUND_AFTER_CHECKIN term where upon the consumer checks into the accommodation facility, the service provider may call the term to have the whole balance of funds transferred to themselves.

Another example may be a 48HR_RAINCHECK by which the stub may be fully refundable. The consumer could then call the term which would refund their payment provided the conditions were met.

Careful consideration should be given to terms and the privacy implications that they may have.


These are contracts that help with usability / specific cases.

NFT Wrapper

A stub holder can transfer their stub to the NFTWrapper which then subsequently becomes the owner of the stub in the vat, though the respective NFT tokenId that is issued is minted to the stub holder.

The wrapper would contain a tokenId to stub mapping, and tokenId to owner mapping. This wrapper should also proxy the ILifeCycle interface so that calls can just be forwarded directly from the token owner to the industry-specific life-cycle implementation.


  1. Prevent a driver from renouncing a bidder / API key to void offers / existing confirmations Allow setting of global response options (ie. not just per bidline options)
  2. Implement timestamp for granting of granting and revocation of roles. use

struct Timestamps { uint128 granted; uint128 revoked; }